Fees will be charged Thrice a year, i.e. in the months of August/Sept. November and February.


Half fee concession is available to really deserving students admitted to B.Ed./M.Ed. courses. The students will have to apply to the principal through their tutors for this concession. The criterion of granting this help will be merit cum means basis.


All scholarships, which are granted by the State and Central Governments are available to the deserving students, Students belonging to SC/Tribes/B.C. classes will get all financial benefits, which are granted by the State Govt., provided valid documents are furnished in time

Post Matric SCHOLARSHIP Scheme to Schedule caste/Schedule Tribe/ OBC students

This is centrally sponsored non-plan scheme, under this scheme students belonging to schedule caste/schedule tribes are given scholarships. The family income limit for eligibility under this scheme is Rs.2 Lacs. A students already getting a scholarship under any other scheme cannot avail scholarship under this scheme.

1. Conditions of Eligibility: The student must belong to SC/ST and annual income of student’s family must not exceed Rs.2 Lacs. The affidiavit regarding income submitted by student’s father or guardian must be in original and attested by the excutive magistrate. The application for scholarship must be accompanished by photostate copies of the last examination passed and the caste certificate. Scholarship is given on the once for a class.

2. Fees : According to the Govt. of India letter No. 11017/01/2008-SCD/B Dated 13/01/2011, the SC/ST students whose parents / guardians have annual income not exceeding Rs. 2 Lac shall not be charged tutition fee and non-refundable compulsory fees (such as fees for admission, registration, tution, sports, union, library, magazine, medical, examination and such fees as are compulsory charge by the concerened institution or university) at the time of admission, compensation for these fees will be made by the government to the heads of these institutions.

Some Do's and Dont's

Account number should be numeric filledDo not write any alphabets or symbols in the Account No.
IFSC Code be should be of 11 digits, first 4 characters are alphabets and last 7 are numeric.Do not write bank name along with IFSC.. code, on the 11 digits should be mentioned in this field.
Also mention complete name and address of thebank in separate column.Ensure that Zero do not get deleted for the Account starting from -0-.
Capture the name and address of the institutes in the separate column 
Re-check the cell format while saving the file 
  • CKD Education Committee Scholarship
  • Nirmal Singh Memorial Scholarship By Bupinder Singh Holland
  • SAF Scholarship
  • Scholarship to Meritorious Students
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