1.At the time of admission each student is issued a library cum identity card. Always keep this card in person. It can be checked at any time.
2.The college will start at 9 A.M. All students should be punctual. Students who are coming from far off places should make their own arrangement for staying at Amritsar. No excuse will be entertained for their coming late to the college.
3.Do not miss your periods when you are present in the college. If you do so, you will be identified and action will be taken against you
4.If you have an urgent work at home get leave from the college. Leave upto two days will be sanctioned by your tutor and for more than two days get your leave sanctioned from the Principal, but it should be recommended by the Tutor.
5.The medical leave will be granted by the Principal. This leave application should be supported by a valid medical certificate, and recommended by the Tutor.
6.Take care that you have attended 75 per cent lectures in each subject, failing which your admission for the university examination will be with held. So after every month ask your teachers for your attendance record..
7.Take house test, because your internal assessment will mainly depend upon your performance in these tests.
8.See the notice board daily. No Excuse will be entertained if a student fails to read any important notice. The consequences of this negligence will rest upon the student. Don’t remove any notice from the notice board, which has been put up by the college. Such students, if identified, will be fined or liable to disciplinary action.
9.Don’t hold any meeting without the permission of the Principal.
10.Actively participate in all activities of the college, so that your teachers can help you in identifying your talents. Always keep perfect discipline and decorum.
11.Don’t put up any notice on the Notice Board without the permission of the Principal.
12.On every college function and Saturday the students will come in proper uniform. If a student at the time of admission is without an eligibility certificate he/she will be provisionally admitted. Such students are required to submit the eligibility certificate immediately. If a student fails to produce the said certificate within stipulated period, with without late fee his/her admission will be automatically stand cancelled. The entire responsibility will be of the concerned student.
1.The programme given in the handbook will be adhered to, unless there are unavoidable circumstances
2.Human resources, infrastructural facilities, number of seats available for B.Ed./M.Ed., subject combinations offered are subject to change keeping in view NCTE Norms and Standards.
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