At the time of admission each student is allotted a tutorial group and a house. The purpose of tutorials is to bring the students and teachers in close contact. The students can discuss the personal and academic problems with their tutors. All leave applications should be got recommended from the concerned tutors. The tutorial groups will meet once a week. In the tutorials the students will undertake all the activities as specified by the tutors, which will be notified from time to time. All B.Ed. students will be put in 8 tutorial groups and 4 houses. Two tutorial groups will be combined to form a house. The houses have been named as :-
1.Mahatma Gandhi House for (M.Ed.) only
2.Tagore Housefor (B.Ed.) only
3.Radhakrishnan Housefor (B.Ed.) only
4.John Dewey Housefor (B.Ed.) only
5.Frobel Housefor (B.Ed.) only
6.Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Housefor (B.Ed.) only
7.Thomas Alwa Edison House for PGDCA(T.E.) only

There will be inter house competitions including cultural activities.
The best house of the year will be awarded a running trophy and a flag.

1. Identification of good speakers.
2. Folksongs, geet, gazal, monoacting, histronics.
3. Shabad/Bhajan.
4. Identification of good writers (Paragraph writing and essay competition)
5. Handwriting and B.B. writing competitions.
6. Playing of musical instruments, Tabla, Harmonium, Sitar etc.
7. Campus cleanliness drives.
8. Quiz competitions, general and based upon B.Ed. course subjects.
9. Preparation of charts/models or posters on specific themes, like: Aids, Drugs addiction, Smoking, Drinking etc.
10. Rangoli, flower arrangement and salad preparation competitions.

Tutorial periods will be held regularly through out the year. All tutors will maintain a record of the activities undertaken by each student. The inter-house competitions will be organized in the afore-stated activities.
At the end of the session the best house will be declared on the basis of participation in activities listed above.

The students who show a real talent in cultural activities will get ample opportunities to compete with students of other colleges. However, the talent will be identified through tutorial and house competitions.